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dipping my toes.


Throughout my third and final year at university, I have been given full responsibility to research, create, innovate and think outside the box. The jump from second to third year is immense, but has set me up perfectly for my transition into the 'real world' of marketing. I have been given the chance to allow my creativity to flourish, and my CAD skills have improved in leaps and bounds!

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To start my final year, I had a formative opportunity to research into my chosen trend of 'Modern Masculinity' and create an annotated bibliography. This helped with my academic writing skills, as well as refresh my CAD abilities.


The first piece of work that counted towards my final degree looked at masculinity through a modern lens, whilst providing key insights from primary research to lead to future business opportunities. I am proud to say I achieved a 2.1 for this piece of work. 

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