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YEAR 2 - industry practice.

My second year at university focused on industry work, with various live projects with notable brands like Boohoo, as well as undertaking a 9 week placement. I appreciate every opportunity I was given, as they have all shaped me into a more reliable, hardworking, creative and innovative worker. I was given many chances to work in a team, which emphasised my attributes of being a team player. 

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An infographic poster created to pitch my unqiue, sustainable concept to one of Boohoo's Research Managers.


Boohoo Brand Report

Following my concept pitch to Boohoo, I created an extensive brand report which analysed where the brand currently is, and my proposed 3 year communications plan with financials. 

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A really fun group project which consisted of creating a new innovative concept for Aromatherapy Associates. We had the opportunity to connect with students at FIT in New York who helped with the ideation process. Our concept of scented yoga mats to stimulate emotions was shortlisted to be pitched to the CEO of the brand, in the final three groups. 


By far my favourite group project of my entire university experience! My group and I were tasked to create a new product for FaceGym, which we pitched to peers and tutors. We created 'Shake Up Your Face'; a product duo to help tighten and lift the face. 

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Whilst on placement at Phase Eight, I was required to create a marketing communications year-long plan. I was very proud of this report, as it was one of a kind, as I was the only student at this company. It showcases my pre-existing knowledge of the market as well as creative ideas to benefit the brand. 

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